Picture of Joseph Seering

Assistant Professor
KAIST School of Computing


Joseph Seering

Joseph Seering is an assistant professor in the School of Computing at KAIST, where he leads the Collaborative Social Technologies Lab. His work focuses on understanding the social and organizational dynamics of conflict and coordination on online social platforms in order to drive the development of new forms of social tools. He has received awards for his papers at the ACM CHI, CSCW, and CHI PLAY conferences, and was named one of the CCC/CRA Computing Innovation Fellows of 2021. He is also an affiliated fellow at the Yale University Social Media Governance Initiative and a member of the Trust and Safety Professionals Association.

Joseph received his Ph.D. from the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University and was a postdoctoral researcher in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University and a fellow at the Stanford Human-Centered AI Institute. He has received awards for his papers at the ACM CHI, CSCW, and CHI PLAY conferences, and was named one of the CCC/CRA Computing Innovation Fellows of 2021.


Call for Applications โ€“ Undergraduate Research Assistants, Fall 2024

The Collaborative Social Technologies Lab led by Professor Joseph Seering is recruiting one undergraduate research assistant for the fall term of 2024. Up to one research assistant will be hired for each project listed in this document. The expected commitment for a research assistant position is approximately 10 hours per week, and the positions are paid accordingly.

The deadline for applications is 11:59PM KST on Friday, August 16th, 2024. In order to apply, please send the following materials to seering@kaist.ac.kr

  • A copy of your resume showing any relevant experience you have for the project you are interested in
  • A statement of interest (max length: 1 page) saying which project you are interested in and why it is interesting to you. Please choose only one of the two projects.
  • A copy of your transcript (unofficial transcript is okay) and a list of courses you're taking this semester.

Please note that all lab business is currently handled in English, so applicants should be prepared to communicate in English for all research-related activities.

Application review will begin immediately once the deadline has passed, and candidates who will be interviewed will be contacted within the following week.